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Sports / Leisure Heating

Views: 135     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-23      Origin: Site


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Sports / Leisure Heating


Sports / Leisure Heating

Venues belong to large and tall spaces,with vastly different time heating requirements on any day. People need to keep their bodies warm to avoid injuries and muscle stiffness, and provide continuous warmth so that those who exercise can maintain their optimal state.

Moreover, sports/leisure venues have frequent personnel entry and exit, and they are mostly with open situation. Heat will flow out from the top of the sports/leisure venue and the open doors and windows.

Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters.

Liangdi's powerful infrared radiation heater eliminates energy waste. You can set up dedicated heating zones in the sports/leisure centers and achieve intermittent heating, with automatically power on when someone comes,and turn off while nobody in.

Address:  No.1 Weishanhu Road, Xixiashu, Xinbei, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Phone: 0086 519 83442673
Email: sales@liangdigroup.com
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