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Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Our brand new heating solution is to replace the previous energy-consuming convection heating method with low-cost infrared electric heaters.The electric infrared heaters do not produce any fumes or CO2 emissions, only comfortable infrared radiant heat. Heaters are available in different styles and designs, with a power range from 2kw to 18kw. 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Heaters are available in different styles and designs, with a power range from 2kw to 18kw. Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2024-03-01 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Aircraft & Equipment Hangars Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 223771 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: VtAKCUVifODZ Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: qLpKGyCBnhJZ,kLUBqvPnrVdC Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Our brand new heating solution is to replace the previous energy-consuming convection heating method with low-cost infrared electric heaters.The electric infrared heaters do not produce any fumes or CO2 emissions, only comfortable infrared radiant heat. Heaters are available in different styles and designs, with a power range from 2kw to 18kw. 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Aircraft & Equipment Hangars

As we all know, large-span building areas are notoriously difficult to heat. The traditional radiator heating is mainly based on natural convection, which causes a large upper and lower temperature gradient, up to 0.5 ° C /m ~ 1.0 ° C /m, especially when the air temperature under the roof can be as high as 30 ° C above ten meters, but the working area where people stay below two meters has uneven air temperature distribution, and some places even only 3 ° C ~ 5 ° C. Winter can be particularly hard for machine operators and engineers who have to work in that building area. 

Our brand new heating solution is to replace the previous energy-consuming convection heating method with low-cost infrared electric heaters.The electric infrared heaters do not produce any fumes or CO2 emissions, only comfortable infrared radiant heat. Heaters are available in different styles and designs, with a power range from 2kw to 18kw. 

To match different installation requirements, the heater can be either wall-mounted or suspended. Simply place a hook on the ceiling of the canopy and then use a chain to hang the heater at the desired height.

The 017 series industrial heaters provide the best heating solution for large span building areas such as hangars and aircraft assembly plants.

▪The direct short-wave infrared rays heat people and objects instantly. 

▪Provides the heat exactly where and when you need it.

▪Used to heat specific zones within a large space.Minimising the need to waste energy heating unused spaces.

▪Provides for higher installation heights, better heat production and a larger heated area.

▪Excellent heating in factories, warehouses, stadiums or work areas with high ceilings.

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Aircraft & Equipment Hangars
Our brand new heating solution is to replace the previous energy-consuming convection heating method with low-cost infrared electric heaters.The electric infrared heaters do not produce any fumes or CO2 emissions, only comfortable infrared radiant heat. Heaters are available in different styles and designs, with a power range from 2kw to 18kw.
March 01, 2024
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Garages and workshops are traditionally well known to be some of the hardest areas to heat, because they are high, open spaces with constant air exchange due to open doors. Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: 图片2.png Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: rWpABemClQut,YLfpgdkqiWKM Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 491 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: Garages and workshops are traditionally well known to be some of the hardest areas to heat, because they are high, open spaces with constant air exchange due to open doors. 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Garages and workshops are traditionally well known to be some of the hardest areas to heat, because they are high, open spaces with constant air exchange due to open doors.

Natural gas-based heating systems are falling out of favor due to the constant maintenance required and high carbon emissions. Instead, electric infrared heaters are already standard to many applications. This trend continues to grow.

The benefits of electric infrared heaters are that they are maintenance free and easy to install. As the leading brand of energy efficient infrared heating, LiangDi heaters provide an easy to install, zero maintenance, highly controllable solution for workshops and garages. Sustainable electric infrared heating methods enables the transition to a a zero-carbon, sustainable future.

Mid-wave infrared heaters have a short start-up time (usually within 5-10 seconds) and a heat output of 900°C. Silent in operation, they can quickly produce an effective feeling of comfortable warmth. It can be said that mid-wave infrared heaters are the perfect balance between heating performance and low light output. So they tend to work best for spot heating in workshops and garages

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Garages / Workshops
Garages and workshops are traditionally well known to be some of the hardest areas to heat, because they are high, open spaces with constant air exchange due to open doors.
February 28, 2024
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: heaters can equally be used for material warming and paint drying as well as for construction drying. 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Infrared radiant heaters with short-wave technology are used, and are available as a mobile version (with handle, to hang, or stand-mounted) or for permanent ceiling and wall installation. Our powerful mobile workshop heaters can equally be used for material warming and paint drying as well as for construction drying.

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Liangdi Infrared Heater For Workshop Heating
heaters can equally be used for material warming and paint drying as well as for construction drying.
November 12, 2018
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Infrared heating provides significant advantages over conventional heating, including short reaction time, uniform heating,environment friendly and energy saving.


Basic principles of IR heating: Infrared waves constitute part of the electromagnetic spectrum alongside other waves. Infrared energy is a form of electromagnetic energy. It is transmitted as a wave which penetrates the target and is then converted to heat. Infrared radiation is classified as the region of wavelengths between visible light (0,380,78 um) and microwaves(1 - 1 000 mm).

IR heating is widely used in glass coating, textile printing & coating, wood furniture coating, printing industry, printed circuit board (PCB) industry, plastic industry, leather industry, and drying in food & medicine industries. 

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IR Heating- Instant, Clean and Safe
Infrared heating provides significant advantages over conventional heating, including short reaction time, uniform heating,environment friendly and energy saving.
October 10, 2018
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Heating moduleLiangdi heating module, using aluminum alloy as the outer shell, Germany imported mirror-reflecting aluminum as a reflector, with infrared heating tube for drying and heating operations. The heating module can be made into different sizes according to customer's requirements, using dif Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: 汽车展-4.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi01 Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 476 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: News Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: Heating moduleLiangdi heating module, using aluminum alloy as the outer shell, Germany imported mirror-reflecting aluminum as a reflector, with infrared heating tube for drying and heating operations. The heating module can be made into different sizes according to customer's requirements, using dif Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2018-06-06 Key: cateId, Value: 194041 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Infrared Heating Module Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 409181 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: sZfAKBzunMSv Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: btUpqCNOuAlg,dZfpLWMChwcg Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Heating moduleLiangdi heating module, using aluminum alloy as the outer shell, Germany imported mirror-reflecting aluminum as a reflector, with infrared heating tube for drying and heating operations. The heating module can be made into different sizes according to customer's requirements, using dif Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Infrared-Heating-Module-id1959286.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"54358936":"汽车展-4.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 0 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Infrared-Heating-Module-id1959286.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:
  • Heating module

Liangdi heating module, using aluminum alloy as the outer shell, Germany imported mirror-reflecting aluminum as a reflector, with infrared heating tube for drying and heating operations. The heating module can be made into different sizes according to customer's requirements, using different infrared heating tubes. It has the advantages of high heating efficiency, convenient and flexible installation, and stable and durable structure.

  • Hand-held Heating Module

The hand-held heating module is a small industrial heating module that is mainly used for repairing small flaws in automobile wheels, car foils, and small scratches. It has the advantages of fast heating speed, light weight, small size and convenient carrying. Mainly used in auto repair shops, car beauty shops, repair shops and other places.

  • Application of infrared heating module in the automotive industry

Infrared heating has the advantages of precise adjustment according to voltage and power, short reaction time and easy adjustment. It is widely used in the automotive industry: heating, drying, hardening, welding, bonding, laminating, deburring, etc. For example, body paint baking, plastic welding, leather anti-wrinkle and so on.

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Infrared Heating Module
Heating moduleLiangdi heating module, using aluminum alloy as the outer shell, Germany imported mirror-reflecting aluminum as a reflector, with infrared heating tube for drying and heating operations. The heating module can be made into different sizes according to customer's requirements, using dif
June 06, 2018
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At the beginning of July 2017, Jiangsu Liangdi held the groundbreaking ceremony for the roof distributed photovoltaic power generation project of 420KW factory. Mr. Xue Shan, general manager of Jiangsu Liangdi Technology Co., Ltd. announced the start of the project.

The construction site of the project is located at No. 1 Weishanhu Road, Xixiashu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City. The distributed photovoltaic power station is built on the roof of the production workshop of Jiangsu Liangdi Technology Co., Ltd. The factory building is reinforced concrete roof with a plant area of 4500 m2 and total installation capacity. 420KW, this project has a total of 12 inverters, 1584 pieces of 265W components. The photovoltaic power station is divided into several grid-connected power generation units. After 12 inverters are used for inverter rectification, three-phase alternating current is output, and a photovoltaic power station is set up with a switch station, which is connected to the grid system through the line. The project is self-sufficient, and the surplus electricity is connected to the Internet. After the project is put into production, it will have a certain effect on relieving the tension between the company and the surrounding electricity.

After the completion of the project, the average power generation in 25 years is 419,000 kWh. Compared with the coal-fired power station, the coal consumption per ton of coal is 29.76g/kWh, which can save the country about 133.61 tons of standard coal per year. Correspondingly, a variety of harmful gases and exhaust emissions can be reduced each year, including reducing SO2 emissions by approximately 12.53 tons, NO2 emissions by approximately 6.26 tons, and CO2 emissions of approximately 377.5 tons.


"Low-carbon environmental protection" is the environmental protection concept established by Liangdi. The establishment of photovoltaic power station is the actual action of Liangdi. As Liangdi's products are as non-polluting, zero-emission, and 100% warm.

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Liangdi Technology officially launched solar power project
Jiangsu Liangdi held the groundbreaking ceremony for the roof distributed photovoltaic power generation project of 420KW factory.
July 09, 2017
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Liangdi heater in Phoenix

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November 09, 2018
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: The wise heating solution is to use energy-saving and environmentally friendly Liangdi infrared heaters, which do not require preheating. 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Places of Worship Heating

Due to the special usage time of worship places,they are virtually empty for most of the day.

To continuously heat them to a comfortable level by using the traditional heating methods will cost a lot of money every year.

The wise heating solution is to use energy-saving and environmentally friendly Liangdi infrared heaters, which do not require preheating. They are kinds of instant heating within seconds, and end users can adjust the heat according to requirements.

Try to divide churches or other worship buildings into several zones, when a certain zone is crowded, you only need to heat the gathering area.

Key: getPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: setDisplayOrder, Value: Key: getAddTime, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: getAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getFromPk, Value: Key: updateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setArticleTitle, Value: Key: getDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: setDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: getPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: seoDescription, Value: Key: setIndustryNames, Value: Key: getArticleTitle, Value: Key: articleOrigin, Value: Key: getSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getUpdateTime, Value: Key: httpsSupport, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setSeoTitle, Value: Key: getKeywordCount, Value: Key: updaterNo, Value: 223771 Key: setUpdaterNo, Value: Key: getUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl240, Value: // Key: photoUrl120, Value: // Key: setSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getSeoDescription, Value: Key: setRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: getArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getFromLanName, Value: Key: fromPk, Value: Key: getUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleAuthor, Value: Key: setUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: comId, Value: 33391 Key: httpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: photoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBatchImportCate, Value: Key: setSeoDescription, Value: Key: articleId, Value: 18513202 Key: setComId, Value: Key: ampPhotoWidth, Value: 4608 Key: downArticleTitle, Value: Key: isSupportHttps, Value: Key: defineImgWidth, Value: 120 Key: lanCode, Value: 0 Key: processArticlePhoto, Value: Key: setUpdateTime, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlNormal, Value: Key: setBrowseNum, Value: Key: getTopFlag, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlNormal, Value:
Places of Worship
The wise heating solution is to use energy-saving and environmentally friendly Liangdi infrared heaters, which do not require preheating.
November 23, 2023
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters. Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: Sports-5.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: dbfKVdkLsUWr Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 1944 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters. Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2023-11-23 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Sports / Leisure Heating Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 223771 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: dbfKVdkLsUWr Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: qLpKGyCBnhJZ,kbKfqMNZvkwB,zupfvobVWmzE Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters. Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Sports-Leisure-Heating-id66857307.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"324404322":"Sports-5.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 100 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Sports-Leisure-Heating-id66857307.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Sports / Leisure Heating

Venues belong to large and tall spaces,with vastly different time heating requirements on any day. People need to keep their bodies warm to avoid injuries and muscle stiffness, and provide continuous warmth so that those who exercise can maintain their optimal state.

Moreover, sports/leisure venues have frequent personnel entry and exit, and they are mostly with open situation. Heat will flow out from the top of the sports/leisure venue and the open doors and windows.

Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters.

Liangdi's powerful infrared radiation heater eliminates energy waste. You can set up dedicated heating zones in the sports/leisure centers and achieve intermittent heating, with automatically power on when someone comes,and turn off while nobody in.

Key: getPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: setDisplayOrder, Value: Key: getAddTime, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: getAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getFromPk, Value: Key: updateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setArticleTitle, Value: Key: getDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: setDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: getPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: seoDescription, Value: Key: setIndustryNames, Value: Key: getArticleTitle, Value: Key: articleOrigin, Value: Key: getSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getUpdateTime, Value: Key: httpsSupport, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setSeoTitle, Value: Key: getKeywordCount, Value: Key: updaterNo, Value: 223771 Key: setUpdaterNo, Value: Key: getUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl240, Value: // Key: photoUrl120, Value: // Key: setSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getSeoDescription, Value: Key: setRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: getArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getFromLanName, Value: Key: fromPk, Value: Key: getUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleAuthor, Value: Key: setUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: comId, Value: 33391 Key: httpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: photoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBatchImportCate, Value: Key: setSeoDescription, Value: Key: articleId, Value: 18513022 Key: setComId, Value: Key: ampPhotoWidth, Value: 3080 Key: downArticleTitle, Value: Key: isSupportHttps, Value: Key: defineImgWidth, Value: 120 Key: lanCode, Value: 0 Key: processArticlePhoto, Value: Key: setUpdateTime, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlNormal, Value: Key: setBrowseNum, Value: Key: getTopFlag, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlNormal, Value:
Sports / Leisure Heating
Trying to heat the entire sports/leisure venue may result in significant energy waste, especially when such a large space may take several hours to preheat by using traditional convection heaters.
November 23, 2023
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Calibri;">The selection of winter heating methods seems to be very crucial in large space factory.<br />
Liangdi infrared radiation heater is an electric heating device that does not use gas, consumes oxygen, or emits carbon dioxide. It is very environmentally friendly, and infrared radiation can heat persons in the work areas directly,thereby eliminating waste.</span></span> Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: 未标题-4.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 600 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: The selection of winter heating methods seems to be very crucial in large space factory.
Liangdi infrared radiation heater is an electric heating device that does not use gas, consumes oxygen, or emits carbon dioxide. It is very environmentally friendly, and infrared radiation can heat persons in the work areas directly,thereby eliminating waste.
Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2023-11-23 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Factory /Workspace Heating Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 223771 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: hCUpBSkVgvGr Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: hdfpgMhyATqV,qLpKGyCBnhJZ,kbKfqMNZvkwB,zupfvobVWmzE Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: The selection of winter heating methods seems to be very crucial in large space factory.
Liangdi infrared radiation heater is an electric heating device that does not use gas, consumes oxygen, or emits carbon dioxide. It is very environmentally friendly, and infrared radiation can heat persons in the work areas directly,thereby eliminating waste. Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Factory-Workspace-Heating-id62277307.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"324361272":"未标题-4.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 100 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Factory-Workspace-Heating-id62277307.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Factory / Workspace Heating

With the continuous development of industry. the shapes and sizes of factories have undergone significant development.

Factories come in very large space,some even reaching over 10 meters.Therefore,the layout of  heating methods is difficult,the investment cost is huge,and also temperature is difficult to meet for the design requirements….

Using traditional convection factory heaters,workers typically need to pre-warm areas for several hours before staff come in,Worse,this kind of heating aims to increase the ambient temperature of the whole room slowly.If only a few workstations are needed for heating,it would be a huge waste.In addition,the phenomenon of upper heating and lower colling in convective heating is very serious. The severe wind disturbance in the factory building can cause the powder layer to fly, which has an impact on the production process and directly affects the quality of the product.

The selection of winter heating methods seems to be very crucial in large space factory.

Liangdi infrared radiation heater is an electric heating device that does not use gas, consumes oxygen, or emits carbon dioxide. It is very environmentally friendly, and infrared radiation can heat persons in the work areas directly,thereby eliminating waste.

Key: getPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: setDisplayOrder, Value: Key: getAddTime, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl300, Value: Key: getAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getFromPk, Value: Key: updateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setArticleTitle, Value: Key: getDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: setDefineImgWidth, Value: Key: getPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: seoDescription, Value: Key: setIndustryNames, Value: Key: getArticleTitle, Value: Key: articleOrigin, Value: Key: getSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getUpdateTime, Value: Key: httpsSupport, Value: Key: getArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setSeoTitle, Value: Key: getKeywordCount, Value: Key: updaterNo, Value: 223771 Key: setUpdaterNo, Value: Key: getUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl240, Value: // Key: photoUrl120, Value: // Key: setSeoKeywords, Value: Key: getSeoDescription, Value: Key: setRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: getArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getFromLanName, Value: Key: fromPk, Value: Key: getUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleAuthor, Value: Key: setUpArticleTitle, Value: Key: comId, Value: 33391 Key: httpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: photoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBatchImportCate, Value: Key: setSeoDescription, Value: Key: articleId, Value: 18511662 Key: setComId, Value: Key: ampPhotoWidth, Value: 900 Key: downArticleTitle, Value: Key: isSupportHttps, Value: Key: defineImgWidth, Value: 120 Key: lanCode, Value: 0 Key: processArticlePhoto, Value: Key: setUpdateTime, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlNormal, Value: Key: setBrowseNum, Value: Key: getTopFlag, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlNormal, Value:
Factory /Workspace Heating
The selection of winter heating methods seems to be very crucial in large space factory.
Liangdi infrared radiation heater is an electric heating device that does not use gas, consumes oxygen, or emits carbon dioxide. It is very environmentally friendly, and infrared radiation can heat persons in the work areas directly,thereby eliminating waste.
November 23, 2023
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Montreal City Hall is located on the north side of Jacques Cartier Square in the Old Town. The second imperial building is built between 1872 and 1978, its balcony is known far and wide. Because former French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to visit the World Expo in 1967. Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: Montreal 01.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 600 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: Montreal City Hall is located on the north side of Jacques Cartier Square in the Old Town. The second imperial building is built between 1872 and 1978, its balcony is known far and wide. Because former French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to visit the World Expo in 1967. Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2023-11-23 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Montreal City Hall in Canada Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 223771 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: lNApfgGakmnL Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: hdfpgMhyATqV Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Montreal City Hall is located on the north side of Jacques Cartier Square in the Old Town. The second imperial building is built between 1872 and 1978, its balcony is known far and wide. Because former French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to visit the World Expo in 1967. Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Montreal-City-Hall-in-Canada-id6902216.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"55509206":"Montreal 01.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 100 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Montreal-City-Hall-in-Canada-id6902216.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Montreal City Hall is located on the north side of Jacques Cartier Square in the Old Town. The second imperial building is built between 1872 and 1978, its balcony is known far and wide. Because former French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to visit the World Expo in 1967 and made a speech on this balcony. The famous saying "Long live the independence of Quebec" came from this speech.

Since Montreal's municipal organization changed its location, now the building is just as a ceremonial architecture of the municipal government. It is open to visitors every summer.

Liangdi outdoor heater bring the warmth for Montreal in the long and cold winter. The infrared halogen lamp inside can be instantly adjusted to the required heat level simply by dimming. 

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Montreal City Hall in Canada
Montreal City Hall is located on the north side of Jacques Cartier Square in the Old Town. The second imperial building is built between 1872 and 1978, its balcony is known far and wide. Because former French President Charles de Gaulle was invited to visit the World Expo in 1967.
November 23, 2023
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Liangdi have the perfect solution for animal house heating. Liangdi offer a range of robust high quality infrared heaters that can be mounted at heights above the animals so they can still feel the necessary heating effects below. The infrared heat penetrates the animal’s skin directly, and therefore doesn’t heat the air around them making the atmosphere stuffy for them.

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November 23, 2023
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Even in winter, you can still enjoy outdoor parties, barbecues, and many other joyful and pleasant activities. 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Even in winter, you can still enjoy outdoor parties, barbecues, and many other joyful and pleasant activities. 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The Fifth Room produces outstanding gardens and landscapes in Mexico for the domestic. Even in winter, you can still enjoy outdoor parties, barbecues, and many other joyful and pleasant activities. 

Liangdi infrared radiant heaters work on the principle of safe infrared waves, similar to the sun. You simply plug them into the outlets in your home, they can effectively warm the surroundings. And elegant retro appearance design perfectly matches the decoration style of the fifth room. 

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Infrared Space Heater In The Fifth Room
The Fifth Room produces outstanding gardens and landscapes in Mexico for the domestic. Even in winter, you can still enjoy outdoor parties, barbecues, and many other joyful and pleasant activities.
November 23, 2023
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: Avenue des Champs Elysees is also known as Elysee Pastoral Avenue. It is a famous avenue in Paris and regarded as “the most beautiful avenue in the world” by the French people. Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: Paris 01.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi02 Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 450 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: Avenue des Champs Elysees is also known as Elysee Pastoral Avenue. It is a famous avenue in Paris and regarded as “the most beautiful avenue in the world” by the French people. Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2023-11-23 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Paris - there is no distance which can not reach Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 409191 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: tTAKpgzkZFPv Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: kdApBqhorZHL Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Avenue des Champs Elysees is also known as Elysee Pastoral Avenue. It is a famous avenue in Paris and regarded as “the most beautiful avenue in the world” by the French people. Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Paris-there-is-no-distance-which-can-not-reach-id1223286.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"55483126":"Paris 01.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 0 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Paris-there-is-no-distance-which-can-not-reach-id1223286.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Avenue des Champs Elysees is also known as Elysee Pastoral Avenue. It is a famous avenue in Paris and regarded as “the most beautiful avenue in the world” by the French people.

Paris is the capital of France. This is known to all. And it is also the most romantic city in the world and the best-known fashion center. Everywhere is permeated with romantic atmosphere. In France, on the beautiful Avenue des Champs Elysees, outdoor heater of LiangDi can be seen everywhere. In this winter, no need to go to France, you can also feel the warmth.

Since 1994, LiangDi's footprint has spread over various countries and regions in Europe and America. LiangDi heaters are widely used in hotels, bars, cafes, outdoor restaurants, sports halls, pedestrian streets, large conference rooms, villa courtyards and outdoor leisure venues.

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Paris - there is no distance which can not reach
Avenue des Champs Elysees is also known as Elysee Pastoral Avenue. It is a famous avenue in Paris and regarded as “the most beautiful avenue in the world” by the French people.
November 23, 2023
Key: photoUrl460, Value: // Key: setPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: getAdderName, Value: Key: urlScheme, Value: http:// Key: setPhotoAlt, Value: Key: setPublishTimeFlag, Value: Key: setOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getHttpsSupport, Value: Key: articleSummaryFormart, Value: This kind of individual Europe has some small mysteries and some small personalities. Its rich history, culture, music, and architectural art show another gorgeous color that is different from the orthodox European culture. It becomes a place of dream in many people's hearts because of its full magi Key: publishTimeFlag, Value: 0 Key: getHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: setAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: photoAlt, Value: 微信图片_20170918083843.jpg Key: getAmpPhotoHeight, Value: Key: getTableSuffix, Value: Key: setPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: adderName, Value: czliangdi01 Key: articleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setAdderName, Value: Key: getHasSelected, Value: Key: getAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: setArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setUpdaterName, Value: Key: getPublishTimeStr, Value: Key: updaterName, Value: czliangdi Key: getIndustry, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: setDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: setIndustry, Value: Key: industry, Value: Key: setArticleAuthor, Value: Key: relatedArticleIds, Value: Key: getLanCode, Value: Key: photoUrlDefine, Value: // Key: getCateId, Value: Key: setFromLanName, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getUrlScheme, Value: Key: getSeoTitle, Value: Key: upArticleTitle, Value: Key: photoUrl60, Value: // Key: getAdderNo, Value: Key: defineImgHeight, Value: 120 Key: getPhotoAlt, Value: Key: topFlag, Value: 0 Key: photoUrlNormal, Value: // Key: getArticlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: ampPhotoHeight, Value: 960 Key: setArticleStatus, Value: Key: setKeywordsSet, Value: Key: getPublishTime, Value: Key: getDisplayOrder, Value: Key: articleStatus, Value: 1 Key: setLanCode, Value: Key: getBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: toString, Value: Key: setAdderNo, Value: Key: articleAuthor, Value: Key: processArticlePhoto4ComponentDetail, Value: Key: getUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: setArticleText, Value: Key: getComId, Value: Key: addTime, Value: Key: setAddTime, Value: Key: photoUrl300, Value: // Key: articlePhotoUrl, Value: Key: setRelatedIds, Value: Key: getUpdaterNo, Value: Key: cateName, Value: Applications Key: getArticleStatus, Value: Key: setFromPk, Value: Key: getDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleText, Value: Key: articleSummary, Value: This kind of individual Europe has some small mysteries and some small personalities. Its rich history, culture, music, and architectural art show another gorgeous color that is different from the orthodox European culture. It becomes a place of dream in many people's hearts because of its full magi Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2023-11-23 Key: cateId, Value: 232854 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Walk into Eastern Europe - Poland’s September Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 409181 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: iqfUpgTFoMKl Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: This kind of individual Europe has some small mysteries and some small personalities. Its rich history, culture, music, and architectural art show another gorgeous color that is different from the orthodox European culture. It becomes a place of dream in many people's hearts because of its full magi Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Walk-into-Eastern-Europe-Poland-s-September-id1758286.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"54367746":"微信图片_20170918083843.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 0 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Walk-into-Eastern-Europe-Poland-s-September-id1758286.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

This kind of individual Europe has some small mysteries and some small personalities. Its rich history, culture, music, and architectural art show another gorgeous color that is different from the orthodox European culture. It becomes a place of dream in many people's hearts because of its full magical charm.

Poland, The country with a typical eastern European style, is known to most of people for  the famous musician Chopin, and many of his creative inspiration comes from here.

Kraków is the center of European culture and science. It was the capital of Poland from the year 1320 to 1609, and the full name is royal capital of Kraków. It is located on both banks of the Vistula River, about 250 kilometers from Warsaw, Poland. It is one of the oldest cities in Central Europe.

The central square of Kraków is known as the largest medieval square in Europe and it is also the most beckoning place in Kraków. It is warm and full of vitality, exquisite and simple. Many people come to Kraków to specially experience the authentic local conditions and customs of Poland.

The red-brick Church of the Virgin Mary on the square is a sign of Kraków. When the setting sun shines, it gives off a charming warm red which is as warm as the light from the LiangDi heater.

Not only in Poland, LiangDi heaters have been exported to over 50 overseas countries. Suitable for hotels, bars, cafes, outdoor restaurants, sports halls, pedestrian streets, large conference rooms, villa gardens and outdoor recreation.

  • Rhine River, Germany

  • Melbourne, Australia

  • Thames River, London

  • Mondrian Restaurant

  • Michelin Star Restaurant

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Walk into Eastern Europe - Poland’s September
This kind of individual Europe has some small mysteries and some small personalities. Its rich history, culture, music, and architectural art show another gorgeous color that is different from the orthodox European culture. It becomes a place of dream in many people's hearts because of its full magi
November 23, 2023
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St.Paul’s Cathedral, The fifth cathedral in the world, located in London, England, is a representative of Baroque architecture and is known for its spectacular domes. The dome of St. Paul's Cathedral appears every night on the screen background of BBC London, and is the landmark building of London with Big Ben.

This famous cathedral in the downtown area of London, because this dome was lucky enough to escape the bombing during World War Ⅱ, was regarded by the British as a place where the phoenix flying in flames rose again. It was also used to celebrate the end of the First and Second World Wars and witnessed historic events such as the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana

On the roof terrace not far from the church, in the warmth of the Liangdi heater, you can better appreciate this viewing platform that connects heaven and earth.

Under the illumination of the heater, like bathing in the sun, who said that the fish and the bear's paw can not have both, with the bright outdoor heater of Liangdi, the demeanor and temperature can be both owned.

If you want to take a panoramic view, then go further, on the other side of the Thames. Don't worry, there are also bright outdoor heaters of Liangdi to warm you, such as the spring breeze.

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Liangdi outdoor heater in London
Under the illumination of the heater, like bathing in the sun, who said that the fish and the bear's paw can not have both, with the bright outdoor heater of Liangdi, the demeanor and temperature can be both owned.
November 23, 2023
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On 15th Nov, 2022. The list of Jiangsu Province 2022 specialized innovation middle and small-sized enterprises have been publicly displayed. Our company has won this honor, and awarded the provincial honorary bronze medal. It is a high recognition of our company’s technology R&D and featured innovation.

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Honor again! Our company has won the “2022 Jiangsu Province Specialized innovation enterprise”
Our company has won the “2022 Jiangsu Province Specialized innovation enterprise”
December 15, 2022
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on the balcony, terrace, in the winter garden or generally speaking for gastronomy and also perfectly fits as integration in big um Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2018-05-15 Key: cateId, Value: 194041 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Various Applications of Liangdi Heaters Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 409181 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: iUfApgePnKEv Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: dZfpLWMChwcg,oRKALrMSBJIq,UYAUVCvBfjhg Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Liangdi waterproof infrared patio heaters offer innovation and optimal benefit with least need of space, which provide a complete new way of mordern heating technique - on the balcony, terrace, in the winter garden or generally speaking for gastronomy and also perfectly fits as integration in big um Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Various-Applications-of-Liangdi-Heaters-id1379286.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"54342616":"062KB-1.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 0 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Various-Applications-of-Liangdi-Heaters-id1379286.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Liangdi waterproof infrared patio heaters offer innovation and optimal benefit with least need of space, which provide a complete new way of mordern heating technique - on the balcony, terrace, in the winter garden or generally speaking for gastronomy and also perfectly fits as integration in big umbrella & tent systems.

  • For swimming pool and sauna room heating

  • For streets, outdoor restaurants, coffee shops heating

  • For big outdoor umbrella/parasol, tent, big poles, heater stands, balcony heating

More reality images, continuous update...

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Various Applications of Liangdi Heaters
Liangdi waterproof infrared patio heaters offer innovation and optimal benefit with least need of space, which provide a complete new way of mordern heating technique - on the balcony, terrace, in the winter garden or generally speaking for gastronomy and also perfectly fits as integration in big um
May 15, 2018
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The importance of offering customers and alternative trendy and inviting alfresco dining or drinking area in a restaurant has never been more important to the success of any restaurant. Adding heat to thesr impossible to heat areas are an essential part of the process.

With a wide range of infrard heaters to suit all outdoor dining and drinking areas for all restaurants, it is no longer necessary to load and replace heavy gas bottles, especially useful for restaurant heating.

Liangdi offer a range of elegant infrared heaters that are perfectly integrated into the terrace lifestyle thanks to their flexibility of installation and them not taking up any floor space. This results in the infrared restaurant heaters not hindering the placement of tables and chairs in the restaurant,unlike the traditional "mushroom" heater.

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Liangdi Heater In Restaurant
Liangdi's electric shortwave infrared heaters are an effective heating solutions for restaurants, manufactured in China.
November 12, 2018
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This is due to the parasol heaters not having the suitable brackets for the application, therefore the heater is not able to sit correctly underneath Key: getArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleUrl, Value: Key: browseNumShow, Value: Key: setEncodePkId, Value: Key: getPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: getBrowseNum, Value: Key: getPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: publishTimeStr, Value: 2018-12-29 Key: cateId, Value: 194041 Key: setArticlePhoto, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl160, Value: Key: setPhotoUrlDefine, Value: Key: setKeywordCount, Value: Key: getRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: fromLanName, Value: Key: displayOrder, Value: Key: seoTitle, Value: Key: getIndustryNames, Value: Key: setPhotoUrl60, Value: Key: hashCode, Value: Key: setTopFlag, Value: Key: class, Value: class Key: articleTitle, Value: Liangdi Outdoor Heater For Parasol Heating Key: setDefineImgHeight, Value: Key: getArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport, Value: Key: realBrowseNum, Value: Key: adderNo, Value: 409201 Key: setAmpPhotoWidth, Value: Key: keywordsSet, Value: Key: tableSuffix, Value: Key: setCateId, Value: Key: setHasSelected, Value: Key: setTableSuffix, Value: Key: setAmpArticleUrl, Value: Key: setArticleSummary, Value: Key: hasSelected, Value: Key: encodePkId, Value: kPfAKBeuOkpG Key: setArticleNewEditorPageUrl, Value: Key: relatedIds, Value: UYAUVCvBfjhg,cpAUgWvKHuPV Key: setArticleKeyword, Value: Key: keywordCount, Value: Key: setArticleSummaryFormart, Value: Key: batchImportCate, Value: Key: getArticleKeyword, Value: Key: originalTranslationName, Value: Key: getUpdaterName, Value: Key: setBatchImportCate, Value: Key: publishTime, Value: Key: getCateName, Value: Key: setPublishTime, Value: Key: setBrowseNumShow, Value: Key: getArticleSummary, Value: Key: downArticleUrl, Value: Key: getRealBrowseNum, Value: Key: setRelatedArticleIds, Value: Key: commentNum, Value: 0 Key: industryNames, Value: Key: setUpArticleUrl, Value: Key: articleSummaryPlain, Value: Parasol heating has previously been a real struggle with parasols having strong metal structures that most conventional heaters find hard to adapt to. This is due to the parasol heaters not having the suitable brackets for the application, therefore the heater is not able to sit correctly underneath Key: getPhotoUrl120, Value: Key: getDownArticleTitle, Value: Key: getPhotoUrl240, Value: Key: getArticleId, Value: Key: getEncodePkId, Value: Key: getOriginalTranslationName, Value: Key: getCommentNum, Value: Key: seoKeywords, Value: Key: articleUrl, Value: /Liangdi-Outdoor-Heater-For-Parasol-Heating-id1723286.html Key: setArticleSummaryPlain, Value: Key: setCommentNum, Value: Key: getDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: setDownArticleUrl, Value: Key: photoUrl160, Value: // Key: getKeywordsSet, Value: Key: setUpdateTimeStr, Value: Key: getRelatedIds, Value: Key: setPhotoIdsMap, Value: Key: updateTime, Value: Key: articleKeyword, Value: Key: upArticleUrl, Value: Key: getArticleOrigin, Value: Key: setCateName, Value: Key: setArticleId, Value: Key: equals, Value: Key: articlePhoto, Value: {"54289206":"伞下取暖器solution主图.jpg"} Key: browseNum, Value: 0 Key: getPhotoUrl460, Value: Key: setHttpsSupport4Release, Value: Key: ampArticleUrl, Value: /amp/Liangdi-Outdoor-Heater-For-Parasol-Heating-id1723286.html Key: getClass, Value: Key: articleText, Value:

Parasol heating has previously been a real struggle with parasols having strong metal structures that most conventional heaters find hard to adapt to. This is due to the parasol heaters not having the suitable brackets for the application, therefore the heater is not able to sit correctly underneath the parasol.

Liangdi have devised a range of infrared heaters specifically for the parasol sunshade market. The quartz infrared heaters are compact yet robust and highly effective. They come with a range of bracketry specially suited to fit underneath parasols and umbrellas and are available in any RAL colour required. This helps the weatherproof heaters to blend in with the parasol and any colour scheme that the outdoor area may have, ideal for patio, parasol and terrace heating.

Liangdi's range of quartz shortwave infrared heaters directly heat the people and objects beneath the parasol heaters, instead of allowing the heat to rise and warm up the parasol above. Tansun's range of infrared parasol heaters fit most domestic and commercial parasols, awnings and umbrellas.

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Liangdi Outdoor Heater For Parasol Heating
Parasol heating has previously been a real struggle with parasols having strong metal structures that most conventional heaters find hard to adapt to. This is due to the parasol heaters not having the suitable brackets for the application, therefore the heater is not able to sit correctly underneath
December 29, 2018

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